The Executive Board acts as a policy body coordinating and directing transportation planning, with implementation of related activities within the overall regional comprehensive planning process. There are ten elected or appointed officials with three from the City of Yuma, two from the Yuma County, one from each of the following including the City of San Luis, City of Somerton, the Town of Wellton, the Cocopah Indian Tribe. The State Transportation Board (STB) Member for District 6 is also an official member of the YMPO Executive Board. However, the STB member usually requests the District Engineer for the ADOT Southwest District (located here in Yuma) to represent them.
Executive Board Agendas and Minutes
Locations of the Executive Board move with the member agencies. The dates of the Executive Board Meetings are always the last Thursday of each month unless specified in the Agenda. A complete list of locations and dates is listed in the link provided.
*”YMPO Executive Board Meetings are held in-person and virtual “
If you would like to contact any one of the YMPO Executive Board Members, please contact their respective municipality websites linked above.